Date Posted

March 13, 2024

The Alberta Motor Transport Association (AMTA) is excited to announce it has acquired the services of EHS Analytics, a company among Canada’s leading providers of advanced safety data analytics solutions. This collaboration will provide AMTA with cutting-edge data analytics to monitor, analyze, and generate actionable insights for transportation safety improvements.

As an influential advocate for transportation safety, AMTA is committed to using data-driven strategies to enhance services to its members. EHS Analytics will strengthen AMTA’s data analytics capabilities in motor transport safety.

“AMTA has always been at the forefront of advocating for safety in the commercial transportation industry. Integrating advanced data analytics into our strategic initiatives allows us to take a proactive stance. This collaboration goes beyond mere technological integration; it represents our dedication to achieving higher standards in motor transport safety. We are enthusiastic about the transformative impacts EHS Analytics will bring.” – Robert Harper, President, AMTA.

“We are privileged to work with AMTA, an organization that shares our commitment to enhancing safety through innovative data-driven solutions. Our expertise in safety data analytics is a perfect fit for the transportation industry, marking a critical step in elevating motor transport safety. This collaboration signifies an advancement in improving motor transport safety across Alberta.” – Noel Simpson, Managing Partner at EHS Analytics.

As a leader in occupational health and safety (OHS) data, EHS Analytics is bringing extensive safety data expertise from diverse sectors like energy, construction, and forestry to AMTA.

About AMTA: The Alberta Motor Transport Association is a not-for-profit, advocacy and safety training association that functions as The Voice, The Standard and The Resource for commercial transportation in Alberta. For more than 86 years, our work has encompassed a broad range of environmental, social, economic, safety and compliance matters that impact provincial highways. Safety, research, and innovation are at the heart of our projects, enabling AMTA to bring key stakeholders together to lead research and develop new technologies that will significantly enhance the industry while reducing human and environmental impacts.

About EHS Analytics: EHS Analytics specializes in advanced safety data analytics, offering solutions in incident reporting, data management, and in generating safety outcomes and insights. EHS Analytics’ expertise extends to the transportation sector, enhancing motor transport safety through data-driven strategies. Explore EHS Analytics’ innovative solutions at