Date Posted

March 8, 2024

Submitted by Dave Davis, Enmax

This Safety Moment is a reminder to slow down and proceed carefully through roadway intersections. Statistics from the Alberta Government show intersection-related collisions increase in the month of January – mostly due to winter conditions. The province says one in four collisions on Alberta roadways occur at an intersection. The risk of intersection collisions increases when pedestrians, motorists, and cyclists converge. Drivers should be aware of the risks and watch their speed, make proper left turns, stop at stop signs and obey all traffic signals.

Traffic Safety Tips:

  • Be aware of surroundings
  • Avoid distractions
  • Scan the intersection for pedestrians and other vehicles
  • Ensure visibility – clean windshield, free of snow/ice
  • Sun glare
  • Be mindful of emergency vehicles
  • Route familiarity
  • Slow down!