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Do I lose my PIR REFUND if I do not submit my internal (maintenance) audit to the AMTA?

How do I maintain my Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (COR)?

Complete an ANNUAL self-assessment audit document and submit the document to the AMTA for review. A Commissioner for Oaths validation is not required in SECOR maintenance years

If I have more than one WCB account and/or industry code how do I get a rebate for all operations?

1. The employer must register EACH INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT it wishes to have involved in the PIR program. Employers with multiple industry codes must also indicate which industry code(s) they wish to have registered in the program.

2. The employer must achieve a COR for each WCB account and industry code registered to be eligible for premium discounts linked to those operations.

If I am a member of the AMTA, am I automatically signed up in PIR?

1. Employers must register with WCB in Edmonton at (780) 498-7936

2. There is no fee for registration and no penalty for not succeeding in the program.

3. Registration must take place prior to the end of a calendar year in order to be eligible the following year.

4. Once registered you do not need to re-register for three (3) years.

5. An employer must indicate their Certifying Partner on the registration form.

Do I have to do an audit every year to participate in PIR?

1. In order to receive a premium incentive through PIR, an employer must have a valid COR.

2. Achieving COR requires an external audit of an employer’s health and safety management system to demonstrate that it meets the required standards.

3. Yes, to maintain a COR the following is required:

  1. Year 1 – Certification – Self-Evaluator (Small Employer) or External Auditor only (Large Employer)
  2. Year 2 – Maintenance Audit – Conducted by a Self-Evaluator (Small Employer) External or Internal Auditor (Large Employer)
  3. Year 3 – Maintenance Audit – Conducted by a Self-Evaluator (Small Employer) External or Internal Auditor (Large Employer)
  4. Year 4 – Re-certification – Self-Evaluator (Small Employer) or External Auditor only (Large Employer)

A second maintenance audit (internal) conducted within the second calendar year after the COR issue date. Maintenance audits must be undertaken by a Certified Auditor (who may be an employee).

Do I lose my refund if I sign up for PIR and I don’t succeed in getting a COR in the first year?

1. The Improving Your Performance discounts that an employer may have earned in the first year of program participation will be carried forward for up to a full calendar year when an employer does not achieve a COR.

2. The discount would be paid to an employer at the end of the second year if a COR is achieved at that time, along with any discounts earned in the second year.

3. The 5% guaranteed discount for achieving a COR would not apply until the year that an employer acquires their COR.

Does it matter which Certifying Partner I choose?

There are benefits in selecting a Certifying Partner familiar with your industry. The transportation industry pays a levy to the AMTA through their WCB premiums. Transportation industries are considered automatic members with the AMTA. Refer to the WCB Employer Fact Sheet to see if your WCB industry code is a levy-paying member to the AMTA. Employers not paying the levy through WCB can pay an  AMTA Carrier Member or Associate Supplier membership fee.

How do I change a certifying partner?

If you would like to change your Certifying Partner your first step is to discuss the change with the AMTA COR department. During this discussion, we will verify the appropriate training and discuss any additional steps. If you have health and safety management training from a different CP you can apply for equivalency for our Health and Safety Program Building course. Once that is in place you can contact one of our certified auditors and arrange for an AMTA certification audit.

How do I amend an existing COR?

Simple changes to your company’s COR (new legal name, WCB account number, or industry reclassification) will be processed by the WCB, and notification of these changes will be sent to the AMTA.

However, fundamental changes to your company’s operation may invalidate the original COR, since the certification audit would no longer be representative of the company’s operation and/or management structure. Examples of changes that may warrant re-certification of your health and safety management system include:

  • acquisition of another company
  • merger with another company
  • addition of another division with a different industry
  • addition of new facilities or
  • management restructuring

If your company has gone through a fundamental change, please download and fill in the COR amendment form and email it in to the AMTA. Once the form is received by the AMTA, you will be notified if a re-certification audit is required or your existing COR can be extended to cover the changes.