Driver Course Bundles

As per the National Safety Code for Motor Carrier driver requirements:

  • Trip Inspection Report – Every Driver shall conduct daily vehicle trip inspections and shall report to the carrier, in writing, apparent safety-related defects on each commercial vehicle operated
  • Hours of Service – No driver shall operate a commercial vehicle in violation of Hours of Service regulations
  • Cargo Securement – No person shall load a commercial vehicle used to transport freight and no person shall drive such a vehicle unless:
    a) the commercial vehicle’s cargo is properly distributed and adequately secured as specified in the approved standard on cargo securement;
    1. The commercial vehicle’s tailgate, tailboard, doors, tarpaulins and spare tire along with other equipment used in its operation and the means of fastening the commercial vehicle’s cargo are secured;
    2. The commercial vehicle’s cargo or any other object does not interfere with the free movement of the driver’s arms or legs, prevent his free and ready access to accessories required for emergencies, or prevent the free and ready exit of any person from the driver’s cab or driver’s compartment.
    3. Every driver shall ensure that his commercial vehicle is loaded such that the overall dimensions, overall weight and the weight on each axle are within the limits authorized by the jurisdictions in which the commercial vehicle is being operated
  • Weights and Dimensions – Every driver shall ensure that his commercial vehicle is loaded such that the overall dimensions, overall weight and the weight on each axle are within the limits authorized by the jurisdictions in which the commercial vehicle is being operated

The AMTA has put together three training bundles – based on NSC regulations – to ensure Carriers meet the above requirements.

1. North American Training Bundle
2. Provincial Training Bundle
3. Federal Training Bundle