We are the connectors, the movers, the carriers, the pulse, the guardians of the highway—and, we are only getting started.
Since 1938, the Alberta Motor Transport Association and its members have advanced the commercial transportation industry through safety programs, progressive policy and partnerships. Our influence is evident on every highway—where the work we do, the training and expertise we impart, becomes clear-cut confidence behind the wheel.
As a province-wide, not-for-profit association, the AMTA is governed by an annually elected Board of Directors. Our Board determines the AMTA’s long-range goals, setting our policies, programs and budgets. We have a head office in Calgary and a satellite office in Edmonton.
The Mark of Momentum
Alberta’s transportation sector is vital to our province, driving all aspects of our economy forward.
For nearly eight decades, we have created strong relationships with all levels of political leadership, advising on important issues and giving a voice to our members. On national and international matters especially, we partner closely with the Canadian Trucking Alliance and Motor Coach Canada. Whether it’s shaping vital legislation, new regulations or business practices, the AMTA is on the ground floor, helping command the future of the transportation industry.
Membership Options
Associate Carrier
If you’re a WCB account holder in General Trucking (50714), Specialty Hauling (50701) or Garbage Hauling (57901), your organization automatically qualifies as an AMTA Associate Carrier. You’ll tap into Canada’s top transportation safety training, practices and technology at member prices, plus our complimentary industry e-newsletter.
Carrier Member
On top of Associate Carrier benefits, Carrier Members access exclusive industry updates, networking events and lobbying efforts. Open to all Albertan trucking and motor coach companies, Carrier Members pay an annual fee to support the AMTA’s advocating efforts. Your financial investment is essential to promoting the transportation sector’s needs and interests to all levels of government.
Associate Supplier
Are you a product or service provider for Alberta’s trucking and motor coach industries? Become an Associate Supplier, and tap into our influential customer contacts, attend networking events and distinguish yourself as an industry leader. Associate Suppliers pay an annual fee to gain membership benefits.
Steering Safety Practices
In the transportation sector, safety is at the root of all we do.
Reducing workplace injuries and illnesses is not simply a goal—it’s a responsibility ingrained in the AMTA’s mandate. Partnering with Alberta’s Worker’s Compensation Board, we design safety training and education programs that are proactive, responsive and tailored to each member’s needs. Not only do they help you meet regulatory and legislative requirements, but they also unify the entire transportation sector in a drive towards excellence.
Unite & Connect
Collaboration is key to our industry’s success.
By combining and mobilizing our efforts, the AMTA and its members create collective momentum, raising the bar for the entire transportation sector. From special events and conferences to breaking news and current affairs, we connect you with influential peers and the information most crucial to your business.
Take Action, Gain Traction
Become a member today
Command your future, and reap the benefits of an AMTA membership. Unified, with dedicated members like you, we can create industry-wide progress.