A message from #NotInMyCity founder, Paul Brandt
Click below for a personal message to AMTA members from Paul Brandt, founder of #NotInMyCity.
A message from AMTA
“The Alberta Motor Transport Association is proud to be an ally of #notinmycity and the ongoing efforts to end human trafficking. Safety is at the core of our association and that extends far beyond just commercial transportation; it includes the safety of all Albertans. As countless eyes and ears who are on the road every day, our membership can play an active role in raising awareness about this horrific issue and be a key part of the solution.”
Click here for media inquiries
630 CHED: A new campaign is encouraging Alberta truckers to keep watch and report human trafficking

Interactive E-Learning Course
The AMTA is proud to be working with #NotInMyCity to create further awareness and educate Albertans about the issue of sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Through this new 30 minute course, members of AMTA and the greater transportation industry can learn about the incidence of human trafficking in Canada, the signs that might indicate an exploited person, and how to help without putting the concerned individual at harm. Human trafficking is the fastest growing crime in Canada, and all efforts are required to increase awareness to prevent and end it.
By signing up to take this free course, you are becoming part of the change. The link below will redirect you to #NotInMyCity’s learning page, where you can create an account to access the course. When you register, make sure you choose “Commercial Trucking” as your industry to access the correct course. Upon course completion, you will receive a certificate, and will know that you did your part to ensure the safety of others beyond Alberta’s highways.